Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Keep Patagonia wild! - Patagonia sin represas!

In a move that failed even to live up to the most basic democratic (and indeed constitutional) standards a government comission approved the construction of a gigantic hydroelectric complex in Southern Chile. No thorough preliminary analysis took place, it was rushed thru, accompanied by a massive publicity effort. There was no public debate, no parliament-vote. It has been revealed that Endesa, company involved in the construction of the dam, donated the sum of one million dollars to a fundation run by the wife of Chile's president Piñera. One activist called it a 'coup d'état'. As this article explains, the environmental and social effects would be disastrous. In terms of energy-policy and development it's counter-productive. Since the decision, public opposition has gained strong momentum with manifestations all over Chile and around the world. Indeed, a poll by IPSOS showed that 61% of Chileans are opposed to the project. That's 10% up in two years and since the poll was taken a month ago, with the protests and information campaigns mounted since the approbation, this figure is likely to be higher still...